Demo Reels

Demo reel thumbnail - man with mouth wide open, yelling
Noggin reel thumbnail - Noggin logo


DOTS reel thumbnail - DOTS logo

Demo Shot Reel

(0:02) - (0:14)

cartoon animal standing idle

Door Interaction Cinematic

NC-11 Woman Rig by ARTHURNAL (Chalermphol Wat)

Machine Gun Rig by ianimate

(0:14) - (0:23)

mage flying in the sky, holding a star

Mage Idle to Attack Transition

Sanae Character Rig by Megabubu

Magic Portal and Bubble VFX rigs by Shadrak Guichard-Foster

(0:23) - (0:38)

Shogun standing

Shogunate Combat

Responsible for all animation

Rig by Kiel Figgins

(0:38) - (0:44)

warrior sitting down, holding a sword and a smoking pipe

Smoking Idle

Urban Warrior rig by @kaiakim_art

(0:44) - (0:53)

cartoon animal standing idle

Tanuki Tap Interactions

Responsible for all animation

Rigged by Ashley Farlow

(0:53) - (1:06)

skye in the air with other characters in planes

Skye Final Payoff Level

Responsible for all animation

Rigs provided by Noggin